Tong Xie Yao Fang (Important Formula for Painful Diarrhea)
Formula 6 of 8 in Formulas that Harmonize
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- Formulas that Harmonize Lesser Yang-stage Disorders
- Liver (Qi Stagnation) attacking the Spleen
- Soothes and spreads Liver Qi, strengthens the Spleen, and stops diarrhea
- Abdominal pain with diarrhea, emotional stress or overwork, flatulence
Possible Tongue Appearance:
- Thin white tongue coat
Possible Pulse Patterns:
- Wiry pulse
Cautions, Contraindications, Herb Drug Interactions:
- Do not use in cases where diarrhea is due to Damp-Heat
Preparation Notes:
- Decoction.
Originally Appeared In:
- Collected Treatises of Jing Yue (Jing Yue Quan Shu)
Combined Channels of all herbs in this formula:
- Stomach, Spleen, Liver, Lungs, Bladder
There are 4 Substances in this Chinese Medicne
Bai Zhu (White Atractylodes Rhizome)Quantity = 9-12 grams (Dry-Fried)
Quantity = 6-24 grams (Dry-Fried)
Quantity = 4.5-9 grams (Dry-Fried)
Quantity = 3-6 grams
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