Ma Chi Xian (Purslane or Portulaca)

Ma Chi Xian (Purslane or Portulaca)

Herb 16 of 29 in Herbs that Clear Heat and Eliminate Toxins

Cold Ma Chi Xian (Herba Portulacae Oleraceae)
Sour, Cold
Herba Portulacae Oleraceae
Tone Marks:
mă chĭ xiàn
Horse's Teeth Amaranth
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Chinese Herb Actions

  • Relieves Fire Toxins and Cools the Blood
    For dysentery from Damp-Heat or Fire Toxins, urinary tract infections with Blood, red and white vaginal discharge, and post partum bleeding.
  • Reduces Sores from Damp-Heat
    Can be used both topically or internally.
  • Used to reduce the swelling and pain from snake bite or wasp stings.

Chinese Herb Contraindications & Cautions

  • Contraindicated during pregnancy, and in cases of cold from deficiency of the spleen and stomach.

Herb-Drug Interactions

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Chinese Herb Toxicity & Overdose

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Chinese Herb Dosage

  • 15-60 grams. If the juice is used fresh, the dosage can be doubled.

References Used

The TCM information presented here has been referenced from numerous sources; including teachers, practitioners, class notes from Five Branches University, the following books, as well as other sources. If you have benefited from this information, please consider supporting the authors and their works by purchasing the books below.

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