ST-05 (Da Ying) Great Reception

ST-05 (Da Ying) Great Reception

Acupuncture Points on the Stomach Channel of Foot Yang Ming


  • Eliminates wind and reduces swelling


  • Facial paralysis, trismus, swelling of the cheek, pain in the face, toothache.

Pont Location:

  • A Manual of Acupuncture: Directly anterior to the angle of the jaw, in a depression at the anterior border of the masseter muscle.
  • Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion: Anterior to the angle of mandible, on the anterior border of the attached portion of m. masseter where the pulsation of facial artery is palpable, in the groove-like depression appearing when the cheek is bulged.

Needling Method:

  • Avoid puncturing the artery. Puncture obliquely 0.3-0.5 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.

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