Pi Pa Ye (Loquat Leaf)

Pi Pa Ye (Loquat Leaf)

Herb 6 of 12 in Herbs that Relieve Coughing and Wheezing

Cool Pi Pa Ye (Folium Eriobotryae Japonicae)
Bitter, Cool
Folium Eriobotryae Japonicae
Tone Marks:
pí pa yè
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Chinese Herb Actions

  • Transforms Phlegm, Stops Cough, Clears Lung Heat, Descends Lung Qi
    For cough or wheeze with yellow, copious sputum, bitter taste, and dry mouth due to Lung Heat. For dry cough with dry mouth and red tongue due to Dryness or Heat
  • Harmonizes the Stomach, Clears Stomach Heat, Descends Stomach Qi
    For nausea and vomiting with sour smell, acid regurgitation and thirst, hiccups and belching due to Stomach Heat or Rebellious Stomach Qi

Chinese Herb Contraindications & Cautions

  • Do not use for cough due to Cold
  • Do not use in cases with nausea or vomiting due to Stomach Cold

Herb-Drug Interactions

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Chinese Herb Toxicity & Overdose

  • The hair like fuzz on the fresh leaves may be irritating to the mucosa and cause coughing, edema and larynx spasms. The fresh herb should be scrubbed or wrapped in cheesecloth
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Chinese Herb Dosage

  • 10-15 grams dried in decoction, 15-30 grams fresh, wrapped in cheesecloth (Chen)
  • 6-15 grams in decoction (Bensky)

This Herb Appears in the Following Formulas:

References Used

The TCM information presented here has been referenced from numerous sources; including teachers, practitioners, class notes from Five Branches University, the following books, as well as other sources. If you have benefited from this information, please consider supporting the authors and their works by purchasing the books below.

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