Etiology of Heart Patterns

Emotions affecting the Heart

While Sadness relates to the Lungs in 5 Element Theory, Sadness affects the Heart Qi because the Heart and Lungs are closely related and mutually assist each other. Sadness weakens Lung Qi which can cause Heart Qi to become deficient. Prolonged sadness and Deficient Qi can also lead to Stagnation of Qi, which can lead to Heart Fire.

While Anger affects the Liver directly, it affects the Heart indirectly. Anger causes Liver Yang to rise, which can eventually be transmitted to the Heart, causing Heart Fire.

Blood Loss or severe bleeding affecting the heart

Severe blood loss from hemorrhage or long term illness can deplete Heart blood (Heart rules Blood), and this can lead to Heart Qi Deficiency

Heart Qi Deficiency


The signs include not only general Qi deficiency signs, but signs specific to Heart Qi Deficiency, like palpitations.

Treatment Principle

Acupuncture Points

Heart Yang Deficiency





Because the Kidneys are the source of Yang for all the internal organs, chronic Kidney Yang Deficiency can lead to Heart Yang Deficiency.

Treatment Principle

Tonify and warm Heart Yang



Heart Blood Deficiency





  1. Spleen Qi Deficiency (dietary insufficiencies, over-thinking) can cause Blood Deficiency and then Heart Blood Deficient. Therefore, Heart Blood Deficiency is often associated with Spleen Qi Deficiency.
  2. Chronic worry and anxiety disturbs the Shen, which depresses the Heart function and leads to Heart Blood Deficiency.
  3. Severe hemorrhage (e.g. in childbirth) or any cause of Deficient Blood.

Treatment Principle

Tonify the Blood and Heart, soothe the Shen



Heart Yin Deficiency





Chronic anxiety, worry, and a busy lifestyle can damage Yin and cause Yin Deficiency.

Treatment Principle



Heart Fire Blazing





  1. Emotional problems e.g. chronic anxiety, constant worrYing and depression can lead to Heart Fire. Over a long time, these Emotions can lead to Stagnation of Qi, which leads to Fire.

    Especially, when Qi stagnation is associated with mental depression it can turn into Fire and produce Heart Fire Blazing. Often patients with chronic depression will show Signs of this pattern although they may appear subdued.
  2. Heart Fire is often transmitted from Liver Fire. Therefore, any of the causes of Liver Fire (anger, resentment and frustration) can cause Heart Fire.

Treatment Principle

Clear the Heart and Soothe the Shen


Heart Blood Stagnation




This pattern closely resembles a Western diagnosis of angina pectoris. This pattern derives from other Heart patterns, usually Heart Yang Deficiency, sometimes Heart Blood Deficiency or Heart Fire. Signs, therefore, vary according to the origin and there will be additional symptoms depending on which pattern was also involved.

When Heart Yang is Deficient, it cannot circulate the Blood in the chest. Heart Blood then stagnates in the chest, causing pain and feeling of stuffiness. The symptoms vary widely from mild pricking to intense stabbing. Other Heart patterns do not have this symptom. the pain is typically in bouts, worse on exertion or in Cold weather.

If Heart Fire is the cause, Heat congeals the Blood in the chest causing stagnation.

If Heart Blood is Deficient, Qi can become Deficient, and eventually become unable to push the Blood. in addition, when Blood is extremely Deficient, it can stagnate.


Emotional problems, especially anxiety, grief, resentment or repressed anger over a long periods cause Blood Stagnation in the chest. Unexpressed emotions tend to be held in the chest and interfere with the circulation of Qi and Blood.

Treatment Principle
